Basic Directions and Methods of Team Development


It is a well-known fact that the synchronization of team interaction leads to an increase in the effectiveness of teamwork. A successful team works effectively under the influence of various factors, both external and internal, in such teams both professional aspects of each participant and personal qualities are equally valued. The main areas of team development are as follows:

  1. Unity of purpose - each team member must share both corporate goals and team-wide goals in details, customers, products, numbers, and other parameters.
  2. Unity of vision on means to achieve goals - each member of the team must be willing and able to interact effectively and constructively when solving various work issues or solving operational tasks, to adapt quickly to implement necessary changes, to respond flexibly and to be ready to eliminate unavoidable problems that arise in the course of work.
  3. A common view of the distribution of roles within the team and of functional responsibilities-each member must understand who is who in the team, respect that, recognizing the correctness of the established order and distribution of roles, while capturing for themselves and others attractive prospects for further development of roles.

Yes, any team has something to strive for in the direction of development, as does every team member. Let's see what methods can be used to develop teams.

As a rule, programs aimed at team development may contain certain types of activities within a single method, or a combination of different activities and methods.

As the first method, let's consider such a method as moderating, facilitating sessions. This method can be implemented in such formats as roundtables, briefings, idea conferences, Clustern card questioning, etc. The main effects of using this method for team development are as follows:

  • development of analytical and communication skills of team members;
  • increasing mutual understanding between team members;
  • forming a common vision of goals and objectives.

The next method we will consider is foresight sessions. This method can be implemented in such formats as roundtable, conferences, Delphi session, brainstorming, etc. The main effects of using this method are the following:

  • elaboration of different variants of development of the object of analysis or problem situation, choice of the best alternative;
  • formation of a more confident view of the future in the team members;
  • using an unambiguous approach and achieving consistency in setting team goals and objectives.

As another method of developing teams, consider Incentive. This method can be implemented in such formats as various trips, excursions, and hikes, including those with extreme elements. The main effects of this method are:

  • achieving a clearer understanding of one's abilities, internal limitations;
  • developing trusting team relationships and team cohesion.

The next method of team development is coaching, which can be implemented in the format of individual coaching or team coaching. The main effects of using this method are as follows:

  • identification of opportunities and hidden resources of professional and personal growth, awareness of own needs, goals and desires;
  • expanding the boundaries of consciousness and the usual worldview, the rejection of stereotypical thinking;
  • development of emotional intelligence and leadership skills.

Well, another method of team development, which we will consider is a business game. It can be implemented in the format of cases, role-playing quests or indoor/outdoor business game. The main effects of using this method are the following:

  • developing the skills you need to deal with daily work tasks as well as complex issues;
  • developing the skills necessary for effective teamwork;
  • working through different approaches and tools for solving real problems in a game format.


As noted above, team development programs can include certain activities and formats within a single method or a combination of different methods can be used, in any case, if these processes are systematic, the result will be an increase in the effectiveness of teamwork.

by Patrick Curtis

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Today's business environment requires employees at all levels to be able to quickly unite and participate in various team interactions to achieve business goals, so the issues of building and developing teams will no longer lose their relevance. At you will find all the answers to questions related to team building, effective team interaction and team development

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